I recently went to Threatcon, the only cybersecurity conference held yearly in Nepal. There were many interesting sessions, but Rudra & Arbaz Hussain's Tour of Common Web3 Vulnerabilities really caught my attention. It's fair to say that before the event, I knew very little about Web3, so I was eager to learn more. So, here's something I discovered and tried to impart to you all.

First of all, Web3 is a term that is used to describe the third generation of the WWW(World Wide Web). Web3 is a software library that allows developers to interact with a decentralized network, such as a blockchain. For example, web3 can be used to create a wallet that stores cryptocurrency, or to send and receive transactions on a blockchain. 

Some examples of applications that use web3 are:

- A decentralized exchange that allows you to trade cryptocurrency without the need for a central exchange like Ethereum wallet.

- A social network that allows you to communicate with friends and family without the need for a central server

- A messaging app that allows you to send and receive messages without the need for a central server

Is there Web2? Yes of course! 

Web2 is the second generation of the World Wide Web, characterized by increased user interactivity and collaboration, and more sophisticated web applications.

Examples of Web2 applications include social networking sites, wikis, blogs, video sharing sites, and hosted services such as Flickr and Google Maps.

Wait, so there's Web1 too, right? 

Yes, Web 1.0 was the first stage of the World Wide Web, characterized by static HTML pages and minimal interactivity.

What's the Purpose of Web3?

Web 3.0 is introduced in order to create a more user-friendly and interactive web experience. It is designed to make the web more like a human network, where users are able to connect with each other and share information more easily.

But doesn't Facebook falls under Web2 and we already have the facility of a human network sort where users are able to connect with each other and share information more easily?

Yes, Facebook falls under Web2, and it does provide a human network sort of facility where users can connect with each other and share information more easily. However, there are some key differences between Facebook and a true human network. For one, a true human network would allow users to connect with each other in a more organic way, rather than through the use of a centralized platform like Facebook. Additionally, a true human network would likely be more decentralized, with users sharing information directly with each other rather than through a central platform.

So, you're saying there'll be no one to filter your activity in a decentralized Web3 network?

The answer is that it depends on how the decentralized network is structured. If the network is structured in a way that allows for filtering of content, then there will likely be someone who does the filtering. If the network is structured in a way that does not allow for filtering of content, then there likely will not be anyone who does the filtering.

So, you mean there'll be freedom of speech in Web3? Like total freedom of speech?

Yes, there will be no censorship in Web3.

What're the risks of Web3 and why is Facebook or any social media not using Web3 yet?

There are a few risks associated with Web3, which is why it is not yet widely adopted. Firstly, it is still a relatively new technology and thus there are not many experts who are familiar with it. This means that there is a greater risk of security breaches and vulnerabilities. Secondly, it is not yet compatible with all browsers and devices, which could limit its uptake. Finally, it relies on a decentralized infrastructure, which is not yet as robust as the centralized infrastructure that Facebook and other companies are used to.

What's the future of Web3?

The future of Web3 is to continue to grow and become more widely used. It has the potential to revolutionize the way the internet is used and has the potential to make many traditional web applications obsolete.
The future of Web3 is to continue to grow as a platform that enables users to interact with the internet in a more secure and efficient way.